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Printed circuit boards are customized for a variety of different applications. Each application requires various particular design parameters and specific features. A good example is an aluminum-backed PCB, widely used in LED applications to serve as a conductor and heat distributor, which you can easily include in your PCB assembly quote.
Power PCB
Unlike a general-purpose PCB, which is widely used for low-power components, the Power PCB has to conduct a considerable amount of current without compromising efficiency and losing power. Power PCBs solved the issue of the large footprint of power electronics.
Usually, the power electronics circuit requires a low resistance path and high current carrying capacity. So, some power converters have to deal with interference and noise generation due to high-speed switching of high flows, affecting the rest of the analog and digital circuits.
The Power PCB design first calculating the trace width and maximum current threshold that the power PCB should handle. Second, the Power PCB design should also include appropriate material selection that can control the heavier components.
The board not only takes the weight, but it should also hold it in place with the maximum grip so that the blunt physical force in case of control knobs, high power relays, and heavy-duty cable connectors won’t damage the PCB.
In top voltage, the power PCB should include necessary safety features like earthing, power isolation, and static discharge. IPC® regulates the safety features of the power PCB. Consumer electronics should consist of top safety features to ensure user safety.
The power PCB design is usually made of a high thickness copper grater or equal to 2oz. But many cases demand a solder bridge to provide sufficient current-carrying capacity.
Spark gaps are typically included to prevent the circuit from damaging due to arks.
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