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74ls76 pinout- A Complete Guide

Exploring the intricacies of digital storage in electronics, understanding the 74LS76 pinout and its role in JK Flip-Flops is essential. At OurPCB, we specialise in PCB manufacturing, a service vital for producing high-quality circuit boards that integrate components like the 74LS76 IC effectively. This enables efficient bit storage crucial for digital electronics applications.
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Have you ever wondered how the storage of bits happens in digital electronics? If you have, we'll explain how flip flops and the 74ls76 pinout help facilitate that process. Specifically, we'll look at the workings of a JK Flip-Flop

Before delving into the details of a 74ls76 pinout, we'll first introduce the J-K Flip Flop working principle. We'll also explain its clock signal properties and other pinout details, like storage registers insights. 


What is 74ls76?


A Blue Electronic Circuit Board

Figure 1: A Blue Electronic Circuit Board


A 74LS76 is an IC that is synonymous with JK flip-flops. Its actual application is in the storage of bits, although it is also valuable for other applications. Several features make Jk flip-flops one of the most common kinds. They include the following: 

  • The clock input property
  • Presence of preset input pins

Also noteworthy, the JK flip flops can change their state by applying a clock pulse signal. Note, this clock signal can be a positive edge or a negative. Additionally, the 74LS76 is capable of neglecting invalid outputs.


74ls76 Pinout Configuration


Close Up of Integrated Circuit Boards

Figure 2: Close Up of Integrated Circuit Boards

Note, the design of the 74ls76  is easy as long as you have simple gates. Also, you need to understand the different types of inputs and the pin configuration. Please take a look at the various pins and their respective functions. 


74ls76 Pinout Configuration

74ls76 Pinout Configuration

74ls76 Pinout Configuration


74ls76 Features and Specifications


Computer Hardware Background

Figure 3: Computer Hardware Background


The following are some of this flip flop's fundamental features and specifications. 


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  • Primarily, it's a dual JK flip flop but within 1 IC.
  • The 7476A features several packages with a 14 pin PDIP, GDIP, and PDSO. 
  • A functional clear and preset are two fundamental properties of the 74LS76. 
  • The IC is synonymous with the TTL output form. Thus, it is compatible with microcontrollers and TTL devices.
  • You can operate IC 74LS76 as a single flip flop without interrupting the working of the other flip flops. 



Close Up of Integrated Circuits

Figure 4: Close Up of Integrated Circuits


  • It has an operating voltage range of 4V to 6V. 
  • A stable output requires at least a 2V input voltage range for high state operation. 
  • A minimum of 0.8V input voltage range is enough for the IC's low state operation.  
  • It has an output voltage draw of 3.5V for the high state. For the low-level output voltage, the interest is 0.25V. 


How to use 74ls76


An Electronic Board

Figure 5: An Electronic Board


Essentially, this IC features two JK flip flops that require a power of about +5V. They include the preset and the clear of the IC. Note, as earlier mentioned, the IC features asynchronous active-low inputs. 

Also note, setting the preset and clear to low results in overriding the clock. The overriding is also commonplace with the J-K inputs. Consequently, the output shifts to steady-state levels. Check out the truth table below for a clearer understanding. 


 A 74ls76 Truth Table

Figure 6: A 74ls76 Truth Table


74ls76 Applications


  • Useful in the shift register (s)
  • The IC is standard in EEPROM circuits
  • Essential in latching devices
  • Common in memory registers and control registers




We have expounded on the necessary details on the workings of a 74LS76. In case you have further queries, feel free to talk to us. We'll respond to your questions on time. 



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Hommer Zhao

Hommer Zhao, based in Shijiazhuang, China, founded OurPCB in 2007, a PCB Manufacturing company.

As a regular contributor to Circuit World and the Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Hommer shares expertise on advanced PCB fabrication processes. His research on manufacturing optimization appears in the International Journal of Production Research and Journal of Industrial Information Integration.

Serving on the Indian Printed Circuit Association (IPCA) advisory board, Hommer Zhao frequently presents at technical seminars and industry exhibitions. He maintains strong partnerships with leading institutions including UCL's Electronic Engineering Department and their PCB prototyping facilities. Under his leadership, OurPCB has pioneered enhanced PCB manufacturing machining capabilities for high-precision PCB manufacturing, particularly serving telecommunications, automotive, and medical device sectors.

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